Jack - 19 November 2012

Monday, 19 November 2012

9.00am  :   Jack ran out the front door as soon as it was opened. He did come back inside when told to and waited nicely before we let him out again. He is gradually getting the "wait" command.
10.00am:   Went for our first walk of the day to the park. Jack stayed close by most of the time. He went to greet other dogs and tried to get them to come over to our dog pack. He barked his confusion when a poodle cross on a lead did not follow him back to us. 
1.00pm  :   We played fetch with Jack with two balls to start off with. He would catch the ball, bring it back, circle us a few times and wait with the ball still in his mouth. The "drop" command did make him drop the ball for a couple of seconds. Then he immediately picks it up again.
4.00pm  :   Saying "ready" seemed to work better than "drop" as a command to drop the ball, as Jack focuses all his energy on the ball chucker and drops the ball. We also added "sit" before getting the ball from the ground and throwing it as a reward. He will politely let other dogs sniff him and chase a ball with him though he does not play with them.
6.30pm  :   Jack paces the apartment, taking up his chew toys and spreading them around. We find that he needs a confined area in which he has no where to go before he will calm down and have the rest that he needs. We blocked off a small section between the bed and table next to my computer chair, where he can have his rest.
9.00pm  :   Jack and Tashi were sitting side by side at the kitchen entrance watching as Josh cut up a leg of lamb for a roast. He was intently watching the meat being cut and when it got too much, he redirected that intense energy and towards Tashi and nipped her on the flank. We reprimanded him and put him in his crate for a few minutes before letting him out on a lead and making him sit by the kitchen entrance. We fed both dogs pieces of gristle, side by side; Tashi first as Jack is bottom of the pack. We need to work on Jack's impulse control especially when his intense focus gets too much for him and he needs an outlet.

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