Jack - 16 November 2012

Friday, 16 November 2012

9.00am  :   Jack escaped us and ran onto the road to chase some cars.  We will try to teach him to ignore cars. 
11.00am:   Park walk with dog pack. Jack enjoyed walking with the pack and kept an eye on all the dogs in our pack. He remembered the command "come" and could quite reliably return. 
2.00pm  :   Took Jack to the park with another dog pack. He is getting better at the command "come". Jack waits, Lilly drops the tennis ball before he takes it and runs away with it. It makes him feel important to carry it around.
2.45pm  :   Jimmy, our previous foster dog, came for a visit and some training. Jack ran with Jimmy but did not want to play boisterous puppy games with the 11 month old. Jack did not react to the two 5 year old boys running around our pack. He did however steal their football and ran away with it.
4.00pm  :    We went to the beach with another dog pack. Jack played fetch with sticks and palm bark in the sea. He did not understand the concept of "drop". We will have to teach him how to drop.
6.00pm  :    Evening walk in the park with Jack and Tashi.
10.00pm:    Jack likes his crate now. We gave him a pig ear and a cow hoof. He chewed on them for a while then fell asleep.

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