We wish everyone a lovely summer's Christmas and happy holidays.
Jack - 28 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012

4:00pm : A short brisk walk at the park.
6:00pm : Jack can now rest in the house and not pace around when out of his crate. He lay down in front of the couch while I watched television.
Jack - 27 November 2012
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

1.00pm : Jack played ball with some of his friends. It was a hot day and Jack got tired out pretty soon. Still obsessive with the ball when we have it out. Jack does not take his eye away from the ball for more than ten seconds.
4.00pm : Jack did not feel up to a long walk.
8.00pm : Jack's behaviour in the home is improving. He sleeps in his crate quietly unless he is uncomfortable, such as being too hot, or needing to relieve himself.
Jack - 26 November 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012

1:00pm : Jack spent time not chasing a ball today. He enjoyed walking and running with his friends as well as spending time under the shade.
4:00pm : We took Jack to Roxy's house where they spent time chasing each other in the backyard.

8:30pm : Jack took his cows hoof out of his crate and brought it to his quiet spot next to my chair. He is now chewing on it as I continue to work.
10.00pm: Jack stole a half eaten corn cob from the bin. Josh held is for him and he eats it with his front teeth. He seems to have done this before. Jack likes corn on the cob.
Jack - 25 November 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012

6.00pm : We went to the park. Jack played fetch for a little while as he was already tired. He then troted along with the rest of the dogs.
Jack - 23 November 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012

1.00pm : Jack found a stick in the park. He was very pleased with himself. He then played keep-away with a Samoyed for about half an hour.
4.00pm : Last walk of the day. We do not need to play fetch to tire Jack out now. He seem to use up most of his energy by 5pm.
Jack - 22 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012

1:00pm : Jack was pretty well-behaved when meeting with potential new owners. He played fetch with them and came when called.
4:00pm : Jack still jumps up at ball chuckers. We need to teach him to have better impulse/self-control.
9:00pm : Jack paced the house and barked when we had company over. After they left Josh took him out for a bicycle ride. Jack ran next to the bicycle on a lead until he was tired.
Jack - 21 November 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

4:00pm : We took Jack and Tashi to the Elsternwick park for his last run. There were many dogs there playing fetch. Jack was only interested in his ball and did not socialise much other than just a quick hello to the dogs that came over.
6:30pm : Jack lay down by the bed for 15 minutes before getting up and pacing the apartment again. We put him in his crate to calm down and have a proper rest.
Jack - 20 November 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

1:00pm : For our second session, Jack, Lilly and Fanny competed for the balls in a long game of fetch (pictured). Jack allowed the other dogs to keep the ball if they got to it first, though he is usually the first one to reach it. We are glad to see that he knows how to play politely, especially with little dogs.

7:30pm : Jack is having a rest in his crate after a hot long day out.
Jack - 19 November 2012
Monday, 19 November 2012

10.00am: Went for our first walk of the day to the park. Jack stayed close by most of the time. He went to greet other dogs and tried to get them to come over to our dog pack. He barked his confusion when a poodle cross on a lead did not follow him back to us.
1.00pm : We played fetch with Jack with two balls to start off with. He would catch the ball, bring it back, circle us a few times and wait with the ball still in his mouth. The "drop" command did make him drop the ball for a couple of seconds. Then he immediately picks it up again.

6.30pm : Jack paces the apartment, taking up his chew toys and spreading them around. We find that he needs a confined area in which he has no where to go before he will calm down and have the rest that he needs. We blocked off a small section between the bed and table next to my computer chair, where he can have his rest.
9.00pm : Jack and Tashi were sitting side by side at the kitchen entrance watching as Josh cut up a leg of lamb for a roast. He was intently watching the meat being cut and when it got too much, he redirected that intense energy and towards Tashi and nipped her on the flank. We reprimanded him and put him in his crate for a few minutes before letting him out on a lead and making him sit by the kitchen entrance. We fed both dogs pieces of gristle, side by side; Tashi first as Jack is bottom of the pack. We need to work on Jack's impulse control especially when his intense focus gets too much for him and he needs an outlet.
Jack - 18 November 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012

1.00pm : Went to the park with a couple of dogs. Jack played fetch with two tennis balls until he was tired. He then took the tennis ball and sat under a shady tree.

5.00pm : We taught Jack to "drop" even when he can't see the reward, of a second ball. He understands the meaning of "drop" though he seems hesistant to give up the tennis ball in his mouth. We managed to play fetch with just one ball for a while. This will need further daily reinforcement to get him to "drop" reliably.
8.00pm : Jack would not sit still when a friend of our came to visit. He brought chewed up toys and balls to us. We took the toys and distractions away to get him to calm down. We made him sit in front of us but he was still playing up. Eventually we told him to go into his crate and gave him a bull chew. He fell asleep after chewing and eating it.
Jack - 17 November 2012
Saturday, 17 November 2012
11.00am: Walked Jack in the park with other dogs.2.00pm : Beach run with dogs. Jack chased tennis balls into the sea. We tried teaching "drop" which was harder because Jack is not food motivated. We decided to give Jack an instant ball reward for "drop". When he dropped the tennis ball in his mouth, we would throw a basketball we found. It took a while but he learned "drop". Jack barked at a car that was leaving in the parking lot. He stopped when told to.

6.00pm : We played fetch in the park with Jack with two tennis balls. It took a while to learn "drop" in a new environment. Just because he knew it at the beach does not mean he knows it at the park. We managed to tire Jack out.
10.00pm: We gave Jack a huge bone for getting into his crate, with the door kept open. He did not cry or bark when we shut him in for the night. He was asleep the next time we looked in.
Jack - 16 November 2012
Friday, 16 November 2012

11.00am: Park walk with dog pack. Jack enjoyed walking with the pack and kept an eye on all the dogs in our pack. He remembered the command "come" and could quite reliably return.
2.00pm : Took Jack to the park with another dog pack. He is getting better at the command "come". Jack waits, Lilly drops the tennis ball before he takes it and runs away with it. It makes him feel important to carry it around.

4.00pm : We went to the beach with another dog pack. Jack played fetch with sticks and palm bark in the sea. He did not understand the concept of "drop". We will have to teach him how to drop.
6.00pm : Evening walk in the park with Jack and Tashi.
10.00pm: Jack likes his crate now. We gave him a pig ear and a cow hoof. He chewed on them for a while then fell asleep.
Jack - 15 November 2012
On the 15th of November, we went to meet our new foster dog, Jack, a 2 year old Staffy x Heeler cross (may not even have Staffy). He was very inquisitive and full of beans.
1.00pm : Picked Jack up from the kennel.
2.00pm : Took Jack to the park with a dog pack. Walked him on a lead.
2.30pm : Walked Jack off-lead. He already knew his name which made learning to come when called a bit easier. Jack took cues from the other dogs in the pack and soon got the message that a whistle or "come" meant he was to return to us. He responds well to short firm commands.
4.00pm : Took Jack to the beach with other dog pack. He enjoyed having a paddle and a swim.
5.30pm : Jack played with toys in backyard. He did not take too kindly when a toy was taken off him and growled at nearest dog (Tashi). We spent the next 10 minutes playing and stopping play with toys. *Have to learn "drop" and "leave" and to not jump up on people.
6.30pm : Evening walk in the park with Jack and Tashi to further tire him out as he is a heeler and needs a lot of exercise.
10.00pm: Jack cried in crate for a while. We sat outside his crate until he calmed down.
Thursday, 15 November 2012

2.00pm : Took Jack to the park with a dog pack. Walked him on a lead.
2.30pm : Walked Jack off-lead. He already knew his name which made learning to come when called a bit easier. Jack took cues from the other dogs in the pack and soon got the message that a whistle or "come" meant he was to return to us. He responds well to short firm commands.

5.30pm : Jack played with toys in backyard. He did not take too kindly when a toy was taken off him and growled at nearest dog (Tashi). We spent the next 10 minutes playing and stopping play with toys. *Have to learn "drop" and "leave" and to not jump up on people.
6.30pm : Evening walk in the park with Jack and Tashi to further tire him out as he is a heeler and needs a lot of exercise.
10.00pm: Jack cried in crate for a while. We sat outside his crate until he calmed down.
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