Max - 7 January 2013

9.00am:     Woke up and Max was sleeping on his back in the crate.
Took Max out with our first group of the day. He does not walk well on a lead. He gets very excited and bites the lead. He also walks in a zigzag pattern as he wants to sniff everything and go in every direction.
12.00pm:     Let Max off lead with second group. He is learning about packs but is still unsure which is his. He followed a lady and her staffy cross halfway across the park eventhough we called him. He looked at us but kept going with them until he was bored (they did not pay attention to him) and came back. He did enjoy paddling in the water bowl and getting splashed by the sprinklers.
4.00pm:   Max does not know how to calm down yet. He paces the house and does not stop panting. He sits still for a pat but starts pacing again when the pat stops.
8.00pm:   Walked Max to the supermarket. Left him tied with Tashi. He was good for a few of minutes but started barking when people walked past him. Josh sat with the dogs.

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