Jade - 19th December 2013

Yesterday Jade met with our regulars again. It was nice to see that some remembered her. We kept her on a lead for most of the walk but let her off for a little run with the pack when she was more focused.
Later we took her and Tashi to the beach. Jade loved the water and jumped around in it. She tried to eat the floating seaweed as well. Jade was looking for dogs to play with. She was boisterous with the dogs. She displayed a little nervousness when she was the one chased.
She needs to learn to be gentle when playing. Her size and strength may not be something she is particularly aware off. She also needs to learn how to read other dogs for when the game is over - body language, growl, retreat,  etc. She listens to some but not to others. We are currently reinforcing the other dog's wishes with a stern disapproval.
At home she sits in her crate and comes up to us for attention. We also took her in our car for a night drive. She sat nicely in the back on the dog bed.
She seems nervous about people suddenly approaching when she wasn't aware of then before. She growls softly or barks. Would be a good trait for a guard dog.

Today we went to the park with our pack. There wasn't many other dogs at the park. It was a little bit hot. Jade had a second wind once we soaked her in water. She galloped around feeling much better.

Jade - 17th December 2013

Jade was dropped off at the park today for us to re-assess and re-socialise. The two homes she had since we last saw her just did not match her.
She seemed weary of other dogs at the park. Though she almost immediately ignored Tashi (after a little sniff), which showed that she remembers her and is comfortable around her.
She does not respond to names, Jade or Soda, unless she feels like it. She responds slightly better to "Jade", or maybe we just called her at a better time then. Her focus is lacking and all over the place. She did return to us, ran close to us, when we let her off the lead to gage her recall skills.